This up-cycling project is sooo simple! All it really involves is cleaning those take-out containers nice and thoroughly, and decorating it however you see fit. I had some pretty holographic stickers that I used to decorate the lid and thought looked cool. Overall, my decoration was minimalistic and looked fantastic, so no need to worry much about the decorating.
I’ve also seen lots of food containers containers that look very similar to the take-out containers I cleaned and decorated. Those containers can be up-cycled this same way and would likely last a long time too These up-cycled containers are great for organizing drawers, hair accessories, stationary, food, and more! Plus, they’re free (once you’ve ordered from a take-out restaurant of course).
What is up-cycling?
Up-cycling is where you take objects and things that you don’t have a purpose for and would ordinarily throw away, and give them a new life. Sometimes this involves DIY, arts and crafts, but the point of up-cycling is to give items value and keep them out of the landfill or recycling. While recycling is definitely better than throwing things away into the landfill, the system isn’t great. Plastic uses up lots of resources and has a high environmental footprint. This would be more acceptable if these items were used many times, but these containers are meant to be used only once before they’re thrown away! This cycle is not sustainable, and even though the best thing we can do is not buy plastic products, up-cycling is the next best thing. If you’re giving the plastic object a long, meaningful life where it has been useful, then at least that carbon footprint would have been worth more than a single meal.
Why I’ve currently made an exception for take-out
During COVID, my family has gotten take-out to support local restaurants during this difficult time. I would normally pass on the takeout due to the large amounts of disposable containers, bags, and silverware it requires. But given that going to eat AT restaurants isn’t an option, take-out is the only way I can support these businesses. Most of these restaurants would ordinarily have eco-friendly measures in place. They have reusable plates, silverware, and compost their food waste as well as try to buy food locally. It breaks my heart to think of all these family restaurants closing down. Thousands of people are losing their jobs, so I’ve made an exception for takeout for the time being.
Even though getting take-out does require more disposable products, it technically isn’t waste until you don’t have a use for those containers anymore! Many restaurants are starting to use these new plastic food containers that are super durable and easy to clean. While I don’t love the idea of the product being made of plastic, at least it doesn’t have to be a single use object! Now, instead of buying a container or bag to take my hair accessories when I travel, I can just use this! In the end, you’re saving money and the planet at the same time when you up-cycle.
Curious for more?
Check out some of my other recipes including 5 vegan snack ideas, oat and banana pancakes, vegan gumbo, stuffed butternut squash, and vegan moussaka Or, if you’re looking for some more southern inspired plant-based recipes check out my previous post on how to make Hoppin’ John, a spicy rice and bean dish. Plus, remember to subscribe down below to get updates when new recipes are posted, and check out my new youtube channel, ecofoodstuff! I’ve finished a video for my Kale, Farro, Mediterranean Soup, and a video for my chili and pancake recipes as well!
This is such a great idea! I also love reusing glass jars to store plants in, and really any other containers I find!