Why we need to worry about our mental health more than ever
2020 has been a chaotic and stressful time for everyone, making yoga especially beneficial during these challenging times. People have been dying, losing loved ones, losing jobs, and missing out on normal everyday social interactions. Regardless of how lucky or unlucky one has been during this pandemic, mental health has likely been a struggle. And, that’s completely okay. We are all dealing with anxiety, isolation, and chronic stress, regardless of our situations. And, what’s better to help yourself relax than a calming yoga session?

I know that a lot of people think of yoga as something that only wealthy white women do. But, in reality, yoga is a super accessible activity that is free and can be practiced in nearly any space. From a crowded room to a vast-yoga studio, yoga can be done anywhere. There’s no need for a gym subscription or any other equipment! You can easily search up equipment free, beginner yoga classes on youtube that are completely free of charge. And, once you familiarize yourself with different poses, you can lead your own yoga classes!
How is yoga good for our minds and bodies?

Doing yoga for just 5 minutes per day can be extremely beneficial to our mental health. Research has finally proven what many have known for a long time: that yoga is good for our mental health! New clinical trials are showing that yoga can reduce the symptoms of depression, schizophrenia, anxiety, PTSD, and ADHD. Yoga has proved to be exceptionally useful alongside therapy and medication, although it could be beneficial just on its own. It promotes blood flow, concentration on the present moment, and helps regulate the body, improving overall wellbeing.
New Study Results!
For instance, research has demonstrated that after yoga, participants exhibit higher levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in their bodies. GABA a neurotransmitter in the brain that regulates the firing of nerves and is associated with regulating emotions. Many forms of anxiety are a result of low levels of GABA. Because yoga increases the levels of this neurotransmitter in the brain, it helps alleviate anxiety symptoms for many patients.

There is also lots of evidence that yoga helps switch the brain from a sympathetic state to a parasympathetic state. A sympathetic state is associated with the body’s natural fight or flight response, and also with stress. When the sympathetic state is almost constantly activated, it causes chronic stress that increases the chances of someone developing mental health issues like depression and anxiety. What makes yoga such a great tool to treat these two conditions is that it activates the parasympathetic nervous system response, that opposed to the sympathetic nervous system, promotes relaxation and calmness. The breathing exercises and gentle stretches help lower heart rate, blood pressure, cortisol levels, and actually help increase blood flow to the intestines and other organs.

These different nervous system states are something that has been leftover after millions of years of evolution. While a primitive human was in danger or hunting, the sympathetic nervous system could help save their lives and increase their chances of survival. Once the humans were out of danger and consumed food, their brains would switch to the sympathetic nervous system state and relax, and that extra blood flow to the intestines promoted digestion.
To summarize, yoga is an extremely powerful tool in the treatment of mental health issues because it promotes calmness, regulates chemicals in the body, and alters the state of the brain in a positive manner.
Getting Started
Check out this 5-minute beginner yoga lesson below and learn about the essential yoga poses that great for stretching out and activating your muscles HERE.
Just doing a 5 minute yoga session each day in the morning or during a break in the school or workday has so many benefits to both your mind and your body. It’ll reduce chronic stress, alleviate symptoms of anxiety, and help you relax and unwind after a difficult day. I mean, think about it. You don’t have anything to lose by trying to incorporate a 5-minute yoga session every day for at least a week. It doesn’t take much time, and there are little to no potential negative consequences unless you suffer from chronic illness and back problems, so why not give it a try?

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