Vegan documentaries or other documentaries on the importance of a plant-based diet have been an important part of the Veganism movement. In fact, my road to a plant-based diet started after watching the documentary Cowspiracy on Netflix. I had tried to decrease my meat consumption in the past, but didn’t have much motivation to do so, mostly because I didn’t know how much better a plant-based diet was for my own health, and for the planet.
For those of you who are just starting your plant-based journey or just want to learn more about this topic, vegan documentaries can be a great place to start! They offer lots of information in an easy to manage way, and often times give lots of great advice for people who are new to a plant-based/vegan diet. Additionally, if you are receiving lots of questions from friends and family on the reasons why you’ve cut out animal products, vegan documentaries can be a great resource to point them towards for more information!
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1. The Game Changers

For any people still skeptical of a plant-based/vegan diet, I highly suggest watching this documentary! I had many friends and family members ask me how they could expect to get all the protein and vitamins they needed on a plant-based diet, and this documentary does a fantastic job of showing how healthy and beneficial a plant-based diet can be for the body.
It outlines the negative effects of animal products and the benefits (particularly for athletes) that eating plant-based can make. They interview many athletes from different sports and areas, including weightlifting, track, cycling, wrestling, long-distance running, and more. Plus, they briefly mention the environmental benefits of eating more plants although the main focus of the documentary are on the health benefits of a vegan diet.
Where to Find It:
- Netflix
- Amazon
- Game Changers Website
2. What the Health?

Similarly to Game Changers, this documentary is mainly focused on the health impact of the consumption of animal products. This documentary goes into much deeper detail about the ways the meat, dairy, and egg industry work with the government and different associations to censor information on the true nature of their products, and honestly this documentary blew my mind with all the hidden secrets it revealed.
It goes into details on the heart disease, diabetes, and high-blood pressure epidemic across the globe, interviewing many different doctors and specialists on varying health conditions. And, it talks about the lobbyists in government who work in or have influence over the USDA nutritional guidelines and what is taught in schools. This documentary has really opened my eyes to the hazard animal products pose to our very own health and longevity.
Where to Find It:
- Netflix
- Amazon
- What The Health Website
3. Cowspiracy

Unlike the other vegan documentaries, Cowspiracy focuses on the environmental impacts of the animal industry, which are in fact disastrous. The true magnitude of this issue has been downplayed by governments and environmental organizations, mostly because of the legal power and money the dairy, meat, and egg industry has across the globe. It truly is quite frightening to hear all the statistics about the destruction animal agriculture causes, but this documentary also offers hopes by promoting a plant-based diet to reduce one’s environmental footprint and briefly delves into the animal-rights aspect of going vegan.
Where to Find It:
- Netflix
- Amazon
- Cowspiracy Website
4. Vegan 2020
Out of all of these vegan documentaries, this is the most recent and most relevant to recent events. 2020 was a very challenging year for people across the globe. With the disastrous forest fires, pandemic, and increasing violence, the stability of our society has really been tested. This documentary explores how the animal industries have contributed to the increase in epidemics and the acceleration of climate change, and the threat that this industry poses to our futures.
If we continue to farm animals as intensively as we do know, it’ll be no time before another pandemic erupts, maybe even deadlier then COVID. I mean, the only reason the pandemic started was because of the horrific ways wild animals were treated in the ‘wet’ animal markets in China, but animals like cows, pigs, and chickens are exposed to the same level of filth and unsanitary conditions that caused that virus to emerge in the first place, in the United States. This documentary is a must-watch for everybody and includes interviews with many different health, pandemic, and scientific professionals.
Where to Find It:
- Youtube (free)
Want to become plant-based but don’t know where to start?
Here are a couple easy, plant-based recipes to get you going!

After watching these vegan documentaries, check out some of my plant-based/vegan recipes including vegan lasagna, stuffed butternut squash, tofu rice bowl, moussaka, lentil and bean veggie burgers, and a delicious vegan chili! These recipes use wholesome ingredients that are packed with nutrients and good for you. They are also family and kid friendly and totally delicious!
Or, take a look at our guide to transitioning into a vegan diet!

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